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Lecture 2.2: Backpropagation, scalar perspective (DLVU)
[OLD] Lecture 2.2: Backpropagation, scalar perspective (DLVU)
Lecture 2.3: Backpropagation, a tensor view (DLVU)
[OLD] Lecture 2.3: Backpropagation, a tensor view
Lecture 2.1: A Review of Neural Networks (DLVU)
90 2 Backpropagation Algorithm 12 min
[OLD] Lecture 2.4: Automatic Differentiation (DLVU)
Back Propagation
Backpropagation for Regression | Training a Deep Learning Model
20221115 - Data Mining and Applications A - NN - Backpropagation
Back propagation algorithm
[archived] Lecture 1.2: A quick intro to AI